
yaksh Soni

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  • India
  • 09:43 AM – Local time
  • Last delivery 8 months ago
  • Member since November 3, 2023


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  • English Basic

About me

It seems like you're asking how to get updates from your client regarding website development for closing purposes. To effectively gather updates from your client, you can follow these steps:

1. **Establish Clear Communication Channels:**
Ensure you have clear and efficient communication channels with your client. This could include email, project management tools, messaging apps, or regular meetings.

2. **Define Milestones and Deadlines:**
Clearly outline the project milestones and deadlines. This helps in setting expectations and gives you a basis for requesting updates at specific points in the development process.

3. **Regular Check-ins:**
Schedule regular check-ins with your client to discuss the progress of the website development. These can be weekly or bi-weekly meetings where you can review completed tasks, address any concerns, and plan for the next steps.

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