You bring the skill. We will make earning easy.

Work your way

You bring the skill. We will make earning easy.

4 sec

50M+ Transactions

₹5.00 - ₹10,000.00 Price range

5 Million Active monthly visits

Join our growing freelance and design community

Yaksh Soni

Yaksh Soni

I am a Graphic designer

Reetu Patel

Reetu Patel

I am a Web Designer

Dhrshti Patel

Dhrshti Patel

I am a Fashion Designer

Komal Prajapti

Komal Prajapti

I am a brand designer

Rajesh Nakum

Rajesh Nakum

I am an App Designer

How it works

Create a Post

Sign up for free, set up your Post, and offer your work to our huge audience.

Deliver great work

Get notified when you get an order and use our system to discuss details with customers.

Get paid

Get paid on time, every time. Payment is available for withdrawal as soon as it clears.

Buyer stories

Designer’s Bazaar is an amazing resource for anyone in the startup space.

Sanjay Singhania
Sanjay Singhania


People love our logo, and we love Designer’s Bazaar.

Ricky Vadhva
Ricky Vadhva

Graphic Designer

There is no way I could have produced anything without Designer’s Bazaar

Anuj Shah
Anuj Shah

Music producer

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Designer’s Bazaar?

Designer’s Bazaar is a premier freelance and recruitment platform connecting businesses with skilled designers in India. Whether you’re seeking freelance support or looking to build an in-house design team, we’ve got you covered.

How can Designers Join Designer’s Bazaar?

Designers can join Designer’s Bazaar by creating a profile showcasing their portfolio, skills, and experience. Once approved, they gain access to a diverse range of projects and job opportunities.

How does Designer’s Bazaar work for Businesses?

For businesses, Designer’s Bazaar offers access to a curated pool of talented designers. Simply post your project requirements or job openings, and our platform matches you with the best-fit designers else browse through various profiles of designers and find the best match for yourself.

Is Designer’s Bazaar Limited to Certain Design Fields?

No, Designer’s Bazaar covers a wide range of design fields, including graphic design, web design, UX/UI design, interior, fashion, event, fountain, cake and many more. We aim to cater to the diverse needs of businesses across industries and people seeking design needs.

What Services does Designer’s Bazaar Provide?

We provide both freelance design services and recruitment solutions for businesses. Whether you need short-term project support or want to hire a full-time designer, we have a solution tailored to your needs.

Is Designer’s Bazaar Limited to a Specific Location in India?

Designer’s Bazaar is accessible to designers and businesses across India. Our platform facilitates connections between talent and opportunities regardless of geographical location.

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